< ~wiki

Services list


We're trying to most service authentication to use OpenID, using our own authentication provider, nicknamed TildeGreenCentralIdentity, that runs on top of LLDAP and KeyCloak.


Below is the list of current services we offer.

If you wish to register, you need to ssh and run the command rforum.

Remote login using your unix username, or the full email address if you're using your own domain.

Peering with quux.org, for Usenet access, to ~verse's netnews and with CampaignWiki's netnews server

RSS Clients

File Share



We are AS4242420953 on DN42.

To peer with us contact us, and connect to dn42peer.tilde.green+provided port on your side

We are peering with the AS numbers listed below:


See the dedicated page
