The irc network is available at (with ssl).
The irc network is available at (with ssl).
, znc's wiki, it's just logging in with your shell username and with your shell password.The znc system checks your password and automatically makes a user for you on the first login.
The webui is at
And client connections are made to with ssl.
The znc wiki is a great resource of help.
The znc bouncer has a custom module installed that improves replay of
channel history when using multiple clients that are not necessarily
connected at the same time. To activate the module run /msg *status loadmod clientbuffer autoadd
Then you can connect to each network using a device identifier in the
server password like this: username@device/network:password
or you
can put the device id after the username: username@device
Username is the username, password is the shell password,
network is e.g. tildechat
(what you have defined in the znc config
page) and device is e.g. laptop
or tab
This way each device/client is tracked independently and stores the history when reconnecting but does not receive the history repeatedly which would happen if you connect without setting a device id. You can still do that, it will not create a device id and track the history with repeating the replay.
To check the defined device ids, you can do /msg *clientbuffer listclients
To connect, point your client to with ssl.
The soju system uses TGCI(OIDC), so you have to get a access token for it to work. For that purpose you can use KeyCloak's default admin-cli client (client_id), so you can run something among the lines of:
curl -s -d "client_id=admin-cli" -d "username=<USER>" -d "password=<PASS>" -d "grant_type=password" -X POST ""|jq -r '.access_token'
Do note that token is only valid for 5 minutes (300 seconds), but when you're connected to soju you won't be disconnected even after it expires, only once you try to connect again, you'll notice that it's no longer valid.
Replacing <USER> and <PASS> with your TGCI username and password, and you'll get a string, actually a JWT token, that you can put in your IRC client as the server_password.
For the username, you should put your TGCI username, which is the username you gave when you originally signed up.
If you want to have soju only make some network appear, you can have your username be: user/NetworkName
NetworkName being either the name of a already configured network on soju or the IRC address of some network, but we'd recommend you register the networks on soju. That way if they change addresses you won't have issues.
In case you want to have multiple clients use the formats:
Tested on weechat version 4.4.2.
If you wish to connect to weechat using a relay socket, you'll have to have that socket hosted on one of the configured locations, at least for now.
The available locations are the following:
If you run /debug dirs
you'll get where your config is, which should be at one of the paths above (recommended if ~/.config/weechat
), if it isn't, replace ${weechat_config_dir}
with one of the locations, without the last part, when running /relay add unix.weechat "${weechat_config_dir}/relay_socket
, and to make the webserver have access to that path run the following commands, which assume you are adding the socket at the config location, if you aren't, you have to add one for ~/.weechat
and one for ~/.weechat/relay_socket
setfacl -m 'u:www-data:--x' "$HOME" "$HOME/.weechat" "$HOME/.config" "$HOME/.config/weechat"
setfacl -m 'u:www-data:rwx' "$HOME/.config/weechat/relay_socket"
If you want more information about this weechat relay, see our forum thread, if you have figured this from the internet and don't want to register but you'd like to comment, mail an admin, preferably the creator of the topic to add a reply for you, and tell us if you want your email shared.