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NNTP service


tilde.green offers Newsnews access (usually called NNTP, Usenet or Newsgroups) for all users of server.

Local Access

tilde.green has local access to newsgroups if you are logged into the site and you can use either of the installed newsreaders directly without any configuration, some tools you can use are alpine, emacs' news interface (GNUS); lynx, slrn and tin.

Remote Access

You can access the news server with any NNTP-capable client that supports TLS snews, e.g. Thunderbird, Sylpheed and Evolution, also you can use the same clients that you use for local access via NNTP.

You can also access the news server with any NNTP client that connects over the normal NNTP port (119/tcp) and makes a TLS connection by issuing a STARTTLS sequence.

To access the server use the following parameters:

Note that NNTP posting discloses your client IP, if you use a local client on tilde.green, it shows the tilde.green IP

Most clients require a setting "always use login", if you are not logged in only a small list of newsgroups are shown and posting is not possible.

The option to set authentication is called as follows in a few client we have tried:

You should be able to see newsgroups in arbitrary hierarchies, both the tilde.* groups and public USENET hierarchies like comp.*.

To begin, you can start with tilde.green, try to post a message and say hello, and include more information if you want like a little short introduction or long, (but please try to not make a 5000 line essay.


We have a bit of an open minded policy, but we prohibit peering binary newsgroups, and we might install cleanfeed to prevent binary posts on the server, the same way we should setup NoCeM.

If you want, contact jmjl, and he'll probably give you a feed, which mostly comes from news.quux.org, and cosmic.voyage.

Apparently INN makes a webpage with stats, so if you want them publicly viewable please nag jmjl for them to make them available.

We're sending our inpaths to top1000@anthologeek.net.
